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#009 What is the Elastic Modulus of Steel?

Category : Cavity
August28, 2009

"Elastic modulus" is a material property that indicates the strength or elasticity of the steel materials used for making mold parts. The elastic modulus is also called the "Young's modulus" usually. The elastic modulus is the coefficient of proportionality between the "strain" and the "tensile stress" when the steel material is pulled. This relationship can be expressed by the following equation.


elastic modulus: Ekgf/cm2 or Pa
Strain: ε
Tensile stress: σkgf/cm2 or Pa

ε: Epsilon
σ: Sigma

In other words, "stress is proportional to strain".

The physical value of the elastic modulus is determined by the type of the metallic material. In general, a material with a larger value for the elastic modulus has a higher tensile stress or rigidity.

The data of the elastic modulus is shown in Table 1 for some typical metallic materials.

 elastic modulus E
low carbon steel210 X 10420.59 X 104
S50C210 X 10420.59 X 104
Pre-hardened steel
(SCM440 series)
203 X 10419.9 X 104
SDK11210 X 10420.59 X 104
Brass63 X 1046.17 X 104
Copper105 X 10410.29 X 104
Aluminum68 X 1046.67 X 104
Super duralumin73 X 1047.16 X 104