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#123 Terminology and Surroundings (17) Names of Different Parts of Drawing Shapes

Category : Terminology
May11, 2012

Sometimes it is difficult to refer by names to detailed parts when investigating a product of drawing. The names of some parts that are convenient if remembered are given below.

[Fig. 1] shows the names related to the shape of a product formed by cylindrical drawing.

Fig. 1 Names of different parts of a product formed by cylindrical drawing

(1)  Flange: The part of the blank that is remaining on the surface of the die after blank has been drawn. The edges of the flange will become thicker than the original plate thickness.
(2)  Flange R: This is the rounding (chamfer) provided between the flange and the side wall. This corresponds to the die shoulder radius (die R) of the drawing die.
(3)  Side wall: This is the part that has risen with respect to the flange when the blank is pushed inside the die by the punch.
(4)  Bottom R: This is the rounding of the part corresponding to the punch shoulder radius (punch R). This name has come to be used because this is the rounding of the bottom of the drawn container.
(5)  Bottom: This is the surface constituting the bottom of the container. Instead of being called the bottom, it is sometimes referred to as the roof, but recently the name bottom seems to be used more frequently.

[Fig. 2] shows the names related to the shape of a product formed by square container drawing.

Fig. 2 Names of different parts of a product formed by square container drawing

(1)  Flange: The part of the blank that is remaining on the surface of the die after blank has been drawn. There is a big difference in the function of the material of the flange part at the straight side part and at the corner R part.
(2)  Straight side part: This is the side wall part formed in the straight line part of the square container drawing. When investigating the forming operation, the forming is done thinking of this part as a bending part.
(3)  Corner R: This is the part constituting the rounding of the corner of the side wall part. When investigating the forming operation, this is treated as a part of a cylindrical drawing operation.
(4)  Flange R: This is the rounding of the part constituted by the flange and the side wall part. Although as a product we would like to have the same rounding all around the circumference of the product, in terms of the forming operation, it is desired that the rounding of the straight side part is made smaller and the rounding of the corner R part is made larger.
(5)  Bottom: This is the surface constituting the bottom of the square container.
(6)  Bottom R: This is the rounding of the part at the intersection between the side wall and the bottom surface. In general, this is frequently made the same as the Corner R.

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