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#239 Mechanical Engineering and Automation Device Design - 5: Moment of Force

Category : Hints on designing
June 3, 2016

By applying a force at a position distanced from the point of application of force, the object with the force applied will be affected by the turning force. We will learn about the action of force in this volume.

(1)Moment of force

- By applying a force at a position distanced from the point of application of force, the object with the force applied will be affected by the turning force. The effect of this force is called a "moment of force".

- The moment of force increases in proportion to the distance from the point of application of force.

- The distance from the center of rotation to the point of application of force (vertical distance) is called an "arm of moment".

- It will be easier to understand the moment of force if you think of how a seesaw works.


- In the above figure, the moment of force (M) for the seesaw can be computed by the relationship between force (Fa) and the length of arm of moment (a) in the following formula:

M = Fa x a

- The moment of force is utilized in various mechanisms such as the clamping mechanism (see the below figure) and the servomechanism (tightening by wrench).
