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Low Cost Automation Tutorial

#028 The Flow of Low Cost Automation (LCA) Concept - 3 : Cell Manufacturing System and LCA

Category : Hints on designing
February 5, 2010

Environmental changes such as shorter product life cycles and globalization in the manufacturing sector have forced the manufacturing styles to change for smaller lot size production in order to avoid risks of dead-stock conditions. As the result, product change-over occurs more frequently, and the associated indirect costs such as parts sourcing, work operation management, and production line equipment, etc. have increased noticeably.
With this background, large scale production facility investments have been suppressed for more efficient investment turnover, and cellular manufacturing concept that enables "small lot / wide variety" is vigorously being considered.

Typical examples of the cellular manufacturing scheme are "U-shaped production line" (see [Fig.1]) and "One-person production" method. These can be characterized by the nature where the operators' capabilities and the hardware capabilities are effectively combined to provide more flexible manufacturing. In order to realize this concept, abilities to quickly self-devise highly efficient production tools (LCA, etc.) to increase the production line efficiency based on the actual field expertise.


Furthermore, IT based improvement (KAIZEN) efforts are quickly circulated via the internet. This can connect everyone involved anytime and anywhere, even if the work floors are far distance apart.
The hardware needs for such cellular manufacturing schemes are shown below.

FunctionalityEconomical factorsPsychological factors
Achievable functionalityCostColor
Ease of useMaintenance costs/disposable costsDesign
Small and light weight  
Safety aspects  

Additionally, part-time work force is utilized more and more to effectively adjust and reduce labor cost wastes associated with varying production lot sizes. With the "One-person production" method, a part time worker reports to work at a time convenient for an individual and works, and is paid for the amount of the production result. These production schemes match the life styles of this country, and is with a merit of clarifying the individual's responsibility for the production quality and efficiency.

For the previous three sessions, we've discussed the flow of LCA along with the changes in the manufacturing environment. All of the LCA discussed are composed of the fundamental elements shown in the [Fig.2] below.

LCA = Mechanism (mechanical elements) + Actuator (drive element) + Controller (control element)
