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Low Cost Automation Tutorial

#237 Mechanical Engineering and Automation Device Design - 3: Composition and Resolution of Forces - 2

Category : Hints on designing
May20, 2016
b) Resultant force of more than two forces


- In this section, we will learn about the composition of multiple forces on the same planar surface that are being applied to a center point of the ball.
- In the above figure, four different forces (vectors) F1, F2, F3, and F4 are applied to the center of the ball O.
- In this case, the resultant force is represented by an arrow of the last side (F5) of a polygon connected by four vectors.


= Description =

- In the previous volume, we learned that the diagonal line for the parallelogram of forces represents the resultant force of two forces.
- The same result can be obtained by analyzing a triangle of forces in geometric configuration.


- It is possible to compute the resultant force of multiple forces by using this triangle of forces for the analysis.
- Even when multiple forces are applied to the ball, you can calculate the direction and magnitude (F5) of the ball's movement using the resultant force.
